Balance in early education

Welcome to Rising Hill School, an intimate pre-kindergarten and transitional kindergarten in the beautiful Altadena foothills.

“My mission is to give children a safe, healthy place to grow their bodies, brains and curiosity, and build relationships and independence in a calm and attentive environment.” Lynette Wiebe

Every child needs playing and learning.

The vision of lifelong educator Lynette Wiebe, Rising Hill School aims to balance the many facets of the whole child, including their emotional, social, physical and sensory development. This can be done while planting seeds to satisfy a child’s intellectual hunger and prepare for academic success up the road.

“Ready” depends on what
is up the education road for your child.

As a parent and educator, Lynette has direct experience with public, Montessori, and prep schools. Reach out and have a conversation about what kindergarten readiness might mean for your child:

  • social skills

  • emotional and physical regulation

  • the eight senses

  • oral language and literacy foundations

  • reasoning and math foundations

  • authentic, age-appropriate responsibilities


We’re in the forest!

We are located in northwest Altadena, and officially we’re in the Angeles National forest. Our neighborhood is surrounded by nature and trails: El Prieto Canyon and the San Gabrielino Trail to the west, Millard Canyon to the east, and south of our ridge is the Hahamonga Watershed. This means we have walking access to trailheads and encounters with nature.

Welcome to the quiet and peaceful neighborhood of the Meadows!